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Here is my latest brochure. It is not dated but I do believe that it should be around 1947. There is a lot of CJ-2A and I think there is also the Agri-Jeep since some pics has the word “jeep” stamped on the hood. I never saw a real one and I don’t know if it exist. Some pics may have been altered. Yep! Even in that time they were able to “photoshop” their pics. The brochure is in good condition but someone (a kid probably) wrote the name “john” on some pages.
I really like the jeep on page 21 of the brochure. It’s look like a CJ-2A with a strange cab. The word “jeep” is stamped on the hood and the grill has 9 slots. What do you think about it?
I would like to thank Eric Fuller for sharing with us a pdf copy of the Parts Peculiar to Perkins Diesel Jeep manual for the models CJ-5 and CJ-6. The manual was issued in 1964 from Kaiser Jeep Corporation.
I don’t remember where I found those pdf manual but they are pretty neat! I think it was on www.thecj2apage.com but I’m not sure. If you know where they are originated from let me know so I can give the credits to them.
They are big so it take time to open.
I’m always surprised when I saw how many things that the Jeep can do with the proper tools or attachment!
In the Jeep Trucks manual, there is more details about the Dump-o-Matic bed and a lot of other great stuff;
Here is a four pages brochures featuring the 1956 New CJ-6 Model.
I note it has no side step shown. I don’t understand why it was not a bestseller like it would. I own a DJ-6 which is almost identical except that it is not 4wd. It is one of my preferred model.
************UPDATED July 14, 2016*************** I added the missing chapter two from the maintenance manual pdf file. ******************************************************
Here is some pdf manual files that I found on the web.
They are quite big (Over 45 meg) so it takes time to open.
Ever wondered what was the prices for Jeep Willys models in 1960?
Here is two sheets about the advertised delivered prices government sales Division in 1960.
It listed models; CJ-3B, CJ-5, CJ-6, Pick-up Truck, Station Wagon and delivery, DJ-3A, FC-150 and FC-170. The less expensive was the Basic DJ-3A Jeep dispatcher while the most expensive was the FC-170 Closed Cab Dual rear Wheels with a 4 speed transmission.
Here is a very nice booklet with 24 pages about Jeep In Public Service from 1966.
You will find in this booklet amazing applications for the world’s most useful vehicles. those applications are: Police, Public safety and civil defense, Public health, Forestry and Natural resources, Road and Park maintenance, Airports, Fire protection, Public education and utilities… It was for CJ-5, CJ-3B, jeep sedan delivery and station wagon, Jeep pick-up truck and also for CJ-6.
All the pictures are very nice and are a proof that they exist somewhere in the past. Some pictures are showing CJ-2A.
Enjoy it!
…To millions of people all over the world "JEEP" means WILLYS…