On: Nov 21, 2014 @ 8:20 AM
- What is your name?: Eric Morin
- Where are you located?: Longueuil,Qc
- What is your e-mail address?: emtechnologie@gmail.com
- Do you want to hide your e-mail?: No
- What is your Jeep Willys model?: M38-A1 (MD)
- Which manufactured year?: 1953
- What is your Jeep Willys serial number ?: F200313
- What is your Jeep Willys engine serial number ?: 806279-W-13-D-A%
- What was the original body color ?: Olive drap
- What else ? Other details ? Factory options and accessories ?: Huricanne engine F134
M38A1CND version
- It is for sale?: No
- Tell us about your Jeep Willys ? : Je suis en process de restauration et je cherche des pieces
- Attach a picture of your Jeep Willys here ::
- Attach a second picture of your Jeep Willys here ::
- Attach a third picture of your Jeep Willys here ::